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Diabetes and Your Feet

Diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels and nerves leading to severe foot problems. In Australia, 1 in 4 adults have some form of diabetes.

Doncaster PodiatryThe symptoms of damage due to diabetes could be your legs feeling numb or cold, a tingling sensation through your feet or even painful burning sensations through your legs and feet.

If you are feeling any of these symptoms, you should make an appointment to see a podiatrist as soon as possible. When you have diabetes, you must look after your feet to avoid any complications.

At ToptoToe Health, our Doncaster podiatrists will look after your feet using our 5 point check-up.


We check the following

  1. The circulation to your feet
  2. Your nerves through feeling and reflex
  3. Your foot shape
  4. Your toe nails
  5. And an overall check for dryness, calluses, corns cracks, or infections

Give us a call to make an appointment 8850 0588.



Diabetes and your diet

If you have diabetes, it is important to have the right kind of diet to both manage your diabetes as well as have a full and vibrant variety of food.

A well managed diet can help you improve your general health, establish healthy eating practices, manage your weight as well as your diabetes.

Doncaster DietitianWhen speaking to a dietitian about your diabetic needs, it is important that you look for an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) – a health professional who specialises in food and nutrition.

At ToptoToe Health, our Doncaster dietitian specialises in caring for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Call us for an appointment on 03 8850 05588 and start your journey towards a healthier you.



How Physiotherapy can help you?

Our Doncaster Physio Team can…

  • Reduce acute pain
  • Restore free movement of joints
  • Release stiff joints & soothe sore ones
  • Strengthen muscles for powerful and effortless movment
  • Stretch ligaments, muscles and nerves for flexibility
  • Correct balance of different muscle groups
  • Re-educate postural and movement habits
  • Relieve strain on muscles and joints

Do I need a referral?

A medical referral isn’t normally required to see a physiotherapist. However, they are required from a doctor if you are under WorkCover, Comcare, DVA or TAC.

Common ailments

  • Back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Neck pain
  • knee pain
  • Family care
  • Headaches
  • Sports injuries
  • Post surgery rehabilitation



The Importance of Exercise and Balance

As we all get older, our bodies do age and your balance and strength does change. After a stumble or even a small loss of balance, we do tend to get worried about falling and that worry stops us from doing many ordinary tasks.

  • Playing with the grand children
  • Going up and down stairs
  • Going to the toilet
  • Even just going for a walk

If you have ever fallen over, lost your balance, tripped and stumbled or even injured yourself from a fall, you may have a balance issue. However, you are not alone.

One third of people aged 65 and over will fall every year and about one quarter of all falls result in an injury. Even the less serious falls can affect your confidence with completing your normal every day tasks – even just walking.

People have falls doe to weakness and a lack of exercise as we age. Some have developed balance problems and sometimes medicines or certain medical conditions can cause a fall.

However, falls are not just for older people – your balance can become worse from as early as 40 years of age. There is a way to lower the risk of a fall and that is exercise!

Your balance and strength can get better with the correct exercises no matter what age and specifically prescribed exercises by an experienced physiotherapist are the most effective. There are also many other health and fitness professionals who can help you.

At ToptoToe, we have a balance program developed by our Doncaster physiotherapists where we work with you to improve your strength and balance, improve trouble areas like stairs and help you regain your confidence with walking.

Call us for a free assessment 0n 03 8850 0588.
